2021 Articles on 21st Century Revelation
When we understand the last one hundred years, God unseals the next twenty.
2020-2021: Learn from the Past and See the Future
January 2021

About this time of year, we remember what happened in the previous year and look forward to the new year. A part of remembering the past year is to learn from our successes and failures. Then we change priorities, make improvements and plan for success in the coming year.

September 2019 began a possible seven year window as God prepares the world for the seven years of Tribulation. See Year 2021.

Bible Prophecy: 7 Days, 7000 Years
February 2021

Revelation is the most misunderstood book of the Bible. When studying Revelation, there are many interpretations of each prophecy. How can we know which one is right? Prophecy is not a salvation issue but we are blessed when we live in confidence that God is sovereign and see His  detailed plan for our world fulfilled. Revelation was written for Christians of the end of the End Times to understand and encourage once another. See 7000 Years.

Revelation Views
March 2021

There are four major views of Revelation: Preterist (past 1st century), Idealist (allegory), Historicist (Church history) and Futurist (future Tribulation/Millennium). Most prophecy teachers follow one of these. What happens when future prophecy becomes current events? We are at the end of the Church Age but see some prophecies already fulfilled. See Revelation Views.

Spring Feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread & Firstfruits
April 2016

The spring feasts are important events in Israel's history. After about a hundred twenty years and ten plagues, God miraculously deliver his people out of Egypt. Leviticus 23 lists four spring and three fall feasts. These appointed times are God's plan for redemption and return. See Spring Feasts.

Daniel's Dream: America in the Bible
April 2021

One of the most asked prophecy questions is, "Where is the United States in the Bible?" Most prophecy teachers say except "all nations" at Armageddon, Scripture is silent on America. However, the United States is in the Bible by many symbols, events, dates and results of our actions. God reveals his plan through quite specific details. Prophecy tells events of major end time countries. By the Second Coming, all nations fall so Jesus Christ reigns. See Daniel's Dream.

Seven Seals: Four Horses on the Run
May 2021

21st Century Revelation's premise is that we are living in the End Times right before the Rapture. Zechariah 1 and 6 describe four horses at rest during the Babylonian captivity. The key to the horses is to understand the colors of the end time powers. A world map shows four horses as end time regional powers on the run before the Tribulation.

Pentecost: The Law & Holy Spirit Given
May 2021

Seven weeks after the exodus is the Feast of Weeks. In fifty days, the children of Israel traveled from the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai. The whole congregation prepared themselves at the foot of the mountain. Then Moses went up to God and received the Law, God's instructions for Israel. See Pentecost.

Seven Trumpets & Seven Wars
June 2019

21st Century Revelation's premise is that we are living in the End Times right before the Tribulation. God gave Noah 120 years of warning before the flood. God gave us 120 years of warning before the end of humanity's rule. Revelation describes seven wars of seven trumpets. Today, we see some seal and trumpet judgments occur before the Tribulation. God revealed prophecy so people living in the End Times can identify not only whose they are but when they are. See Trumpets.

Jewish Calendar & Our Time
July 2021

Bible prophecy is about time and events. The disciples asked Jesus Christ and we ask the same question today: "When?" God's Word has plenty to say about God's time. The days God gave to Moses are fulfilled in Jesus Christ and our time. Many historic events occur on Jewish holy days. See Calendar.

Fall Feasts & Prophecy
August 2021

God gave to Moses seven days that describe God's plan of redemption. The Spring Feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits were fulfilled with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Weeks was fulfilled the day God gave the Law to Moses and the Holy Spirit to the Church at Pentecost. The last three feasts are fulfilled with the return of Jesus Christ. These days are the seven days of God. See Fall Feasts.

The Feast of Trumpets: Rapture Day
August/September 2021

Jewish tradition says a new month begins after two witnesses see the crescent new moon, testify before the Sanhedrin who declare the beginning of the new month. Messengers set beacon fires on hills throughout Israel. This happens about a day after the astronomical new moon. But Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of a new month and new civil year. Distant communities celebrate Trumpets on two possible days. The shofar sounds one hundred times during the Jewish service. Yom Teruah or the Feast of Trumpets is the Rapture day. See Trumpets.

China: Red Army of World War III
September 2021

We are at the end of the Church Age and can see into the Tribulation. It is so close. Seven church periods are finishing, four horses are on the run and five trumpets have sounded. The United States is leader of the black horse of trade; the powerful engine that builds the global economy but eagle's wings are missing. Since America falls, what country knocks us down and who takes our place as superpower? The next big event is the beginnings of the 6th trumpet know as World War III.

Russia: Leader of World War IV
October 2021

Although Russia has been in the news, China is the huge red army of World War III. Control of the South China Sea and America's weakness may start World War III but fighting quickly spreads to India, Pakistan and all the way to the Euphrates River in Iraq. After Antichrist's coronation, Russia is the leader of World War IV.

Armageddon: World War V
November 2021

The Tribulation lasts seven years and there are three major wars. World War III is the 6th Trumpet between China, the United States and India. World War IV is Gog and Magog when Russian and radical Islam attack Israel. World War V is Armageddon.

Second Coming of Jesus Christ
December 2021

The Tribulation lasts seven years and there are three major wars. World War III is the 6th Trumpet (China, United States). World War IV is Gog and Magog (Russia, radical Islam). World War V is Armageddon. During the last 3½ years, the Unholy Trinity of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet reign and war moves to Israel and Jerusalem. The Tribulation ends at the  Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Millennium: 1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ
December 2021

Revelation is confusing but God gave prophecy to understand His plan for our time. There are 6000 years of human rule. Four horses are on the run and five trumpets are sounding before the Rapture. The Tribulation lasts seven years and there are three major wars. World War III is the 6th Trumpet. World War IV is Gog and Magog. World War V is Armageddon. Antichrist reigns 3½ years. At the Second Coming, all nations fall and Jesus Christ reigns during the Millennium.
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21st Century Revelation: World Wars, Iraq Wars & End Wars
A current understanding of God's plan for our time
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2020-2021: Learn from the Past and See the Future
Bible Prophecy: 7 Days, 7000 Years
Revelation Views
Spring Feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread & Firstfruits
Daniel's Dream: America in the Bible
Seven Seals: Four Horses on the Run
Pentecost: The Law & Holy Spirit Given
Seven Trumpets & Seven Wars
Jewish Calendar & Our Time
Fall Feasts & Prophecy
The Feast of Trumpets: Rapture Day
China: Red Army of World War III
Russia: Leader of World War IV
Armageddon: World War V
Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Millennium: 1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ
Seven Trumpets & Seven Wars
Armageddon: World War V
Russia: Leader of World War IV
Countdown to the Tribulation
China: Red Army of World War III
US Air Force General Predicts Possible China War in 2025
Ukraine: European Union Vs Russia Tug of War
2023 Israel War: Where Does It Lead?