2023-2024: Learn from the Past and See the Future
January 2024
About this time of year, we remember what happened in the previous year and look forward to the new year. A part of remembering the past year is to learn from our successes and failures. Then we change priorities, make improvements and plan for success in the coming year. September 2019 began a possible seven year window as God prepares the world for the seven years of Tribulation. See Year 2024.
2024 Election: The Last President?
February 2024
Each election cycle, we are told the election is the most important election. Then four years later we are again told that the election is the most important election. The question still unanswered is: Who will be president at the beginning of the Tribulation? Since we are nearing the 2000th anniversary of the cross, the 2024 presidential election may answer that question. See
Adar I: Jewish Leap Month
February 2019
On the Roman Julian calendar, February 29 is added every four years to keep the calendar synchronized with the earth's orbit around the sun. The Gregorian calendar omits three leap days every four hundred years. With the Jewish calendar, days begin at sunset and months begin with the new crescent moon. Because years add up to ~354 days, the 30-day leap month of Adar I is added every 2 or 3 years
Purim: The Feast of Chance
March 2015
In 473 BC during the reign of Xerxes I of Persia [or Ahasuerus of Iran], Haman the Amalekite was the top advisor to the king. The Amalekites had an ancient feud with Israel described in Exodus 17 and 1 Samuel 15. Haman plotted to kill the Jews and cast purim or lots that chose the 14th of Adar (February/March) by chance. However, God put Queen Esther and Mordecai in place for such a time as this. See Purim.
Passover Fulfilled by the Cross
March 2024
Each spring, we celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. By faith in His sacrifice, we are forgiven of our sin and receive the free gift of salvation. These holy days are floating holidays on the Roman calendar that link to the Passover full moon on the Jewish calendar. When we talk about prophecy, we say we do not know the time. However before the world was created, our sovereign God had a specific plan with a specific time. God revealed that plan though His Word. See
The Great American Eclipse: The Writing in the Sky
April 2024
In 2014-2016, there was a series of twelve eclipses that occurred on Jewish holy days. In September 2017, the Revelation 12 sign was fulfilled by Virgo with the Sun, Moon, nine stars and four planets. The three American
eclipses are linked to Russia, Turkey and the Middle East as an ominous sign of the world's future. Are seven years of testing followed by seven years of Tribulation?
2023 Israel War: Iran Attacks Israel
May 2023
On Saturday, October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists brutally targeted civilians of Israel and other nations, shot 6000+ missiles, massacred over 1,400 and kidnapped 240+. This is the worst attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. In April 2024, the war took an ominous turn when Iran directly attacked Israel. Here is an update of the war after six months including the first direct involvement between Iran and Israel.
America in the Bible Articles
June 2024
One of the most asked prophecy questions is, "Where is the United States in the Bible?" Most prophecy teachers say except "all nations" at Armageddon, Scripture is silent on America. However, the United States is in the Bible by many symbols, events, dates and results of our actions. God reveals His plan through specific details. Prophecy tells events of major end time countries. See America.
America in the Bible: Introduction
June 2024
Overlooking the United States in prophecy misses many super signs. This is not an American centered understanding but a God centered plan. All nations fall and Jesus Christ reigns. World Wars, Iraq Wars and End Wars are hidden by a flawed interpretation of prophecy. Scripture describes our great rise as lone superpower and even greater fall. How did we rise? Who knocked us down? Who takes our places as superpower during the Tribulation? See America.
Rapture, Tribulation & Second Coming
July 2024
21st Century Revelation's premise is that we are living in the End Times right before the Rapture. We see four horses on the run and hear five trumpets sounding during the Church Age. As the spring feasts predict redemption, the fall feasts predict return with key events of the Rapture, Tribulation & Second Coming.
World Superpowers
August 2024
Who are the present End Time powers? Some scholars say you cannot take Scripture and compare events in the news. Others believe current events are important yet neglect recent history. Look at a map to see the End Time powers. In Bible prophecy, it's all about regime change. God tells us which countries rise and fall. By the Second Coming, all nations fall and Jesus Christ reigns. See World Superpowers.
The Feast of Trumpets: Rapture Day
September-October 2024
Jewish tradition says a new month begins after two witnesses see the crescent new moon, testify before the Sanhedrin who declare the beginning of the new month. This happens about a day after the astronomical new moon. But Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of a new month and new civil year. The shofar sounds one hundred times during the Jewish service. The Feast of Trumpets is the Rapture day. See Trumpets.