2. The Word of God reveals
the time of God and the plan of God.
3. God's time is four thousand years before the cross and three thousand years after. See
7000 Years.
Bible chronology points to the end of man's six-thousand-year rule.
5. Key events of the last one hundred years occur on Jewish holy days. See
Jewish Calendar.
6. The end of the Laodicean period is the end of the
Church Age.
7. Seven End Time powers are ready for the Tribulation (Capitalism, Catholicism, Communism,
European Union, Islam, Israel, United Nations) which include China, India, Russia & US.
8. Four horses of the apocalypse are on the run today. See
Seven Seals.
9. Seven wars of the
seven trumpets occur in a 120-year period.
10. There are over one hundred references to America by symbol, event, Jewish date or result
of our actions. See
America Articles,
11. World War III, World War IV and World War V occur during the
12. God has established Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel and the World. See
A Current Understanding of Events before the Rapture
21st Century View, Tribulation, Revelation, Covenant, Daniel, America in the Bible