Three Feast Fulfilled in Jesus Christ
The cross occured between 27-33 AD. On the 14th of
Nisan 4000 AM, Jesus Christ was crucified. On the 15th of
Nisan, He was in the grave. On the 18th of
Nisan, He rose again. The Abrahamic covenant, the exodus from Egypt and redemption were on the same days on the Jewish calendar. God told Abraham and Moses the day of redemption. The three days fulfills the prophecy of Jonah and matches the three and a half days of the two witnesses in Revelation 11. See
Jewish Calendar.
This year, Passover begins at sunset on Tuesday evening and Wednesday, April 22-23, followed by Unleavened Bread on April 23-30 with Firstfruits on April 27 on the same days of the week as the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Through the Abrahamic covenant, the exodus out of Egypt and the New Covenant in Jesus Christ, we see God's plan fulfilled in God's time. Since God fulfilled the four spring feasts with redemption and then Pentecost, the feasts of Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles fulfills the Rapture, Second Coming and reign of Jesus Christ on earth.
21st Century Revelation: World Wars, Iraq Wars & End Wars Chapters 10 - Seven Days of God, Chapter 16 - The Life of Christ, Chapter 17 - Basic Bible Chronology