2022 Articles on 21st Century Revelation
When we understand the last one hundred years, God unseals the next twenty.
Daniel 1: Daniel Purposed in His Heart
February 2022

Under the Mosaic Law, Israel was required to be faithful or they would go back into captivity. During the kings of Israel and Judah, they returned to idols. In 721 BC, Israel fell to Assyria. Despite the prophets' warnings, Judah was repeatedly attacked by Babylon in 605, 597, 586 and 582 BC. Jerusalem and the Jewish temple were destroyed on the 9th of Av, 586 BC. Even with seventy years of captivity, God had a plan for His people Israel through Daniel.

Daniel 2: The Statue & the Rock
March 2022

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, had a dream and could not sleep. The wise men said tells us the dream and we will tells you the interpretation. However, the king did not remember the dream and demanded the wise men tell him the dream or die. The four Judeans were also wise men. But God had a bigger plan to protect His people and tell us His story for the world. See Daniel.

Daniel 3: Taking a Stand
May 2022

In Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had a dream. While Daniel used prophecy to glorify God, Nebuchadnezzar used prophecy for pride. He had an image made and invited all government officials to the dedication so they could worship the image of the king. See Daniel.

Daniel 4: The Rise & Fall of Nebuchadnezzar
June 2022

Daniel chapters 1-3 describe how Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego transition from Judah to Babylon. God put these wise men in place to advise the king and protect the Jews in captivity. King Nebuchadnezzar had a great opportunity to watch them and learn about the God of Abraham. See Daniel.

Daniel 5: The Rise & Fall of Belshazzar
August 2022

After Nebuchadnezzar reigned over Babylon, his son and later son-in-law reigned. Belshazzar was the son of Nabonidus and ruled as regent. He hosted a great feast for thousands of his nobles. While enjoying the party, he called for the gold and silver goblets that King Nebuchadnezzar took from the Jewish temple. That night, they drank from the goblets and praised the gods of the Babylonians. But God had other plans to remove a king and his kingdom and set up a different king and kingdom. See Daniel.

Daniel 6: Daniel & the Lions' Den
October 2022

In 539 BC, Belshazzar of Babylon (Iraq) fell and Cyrus the Great ruled Media-Persia (Iran). Darius (or Gobyras) was the Persian general that conquered and governed the Babylonian territory under King Cyrus. He assigned three leaders to oversee a hundred twenty rulers. Despite being a leader in the Babylonian empire, Daniel was chosen first leader because of his excellent spirit. God was still using Daniel to protect the Jews in captivity. See Daniel.

Daniel 7: Daniel's Dream - America & EU in the Bible
February 2023

One of the most asked prophecy questions is, "Where is the United States in the Bible?" Most prophecy teachers say except "all nations" at Armageddon, Scripture is silent on America. However, the United States is in the Bible by many symbols, events, dates and results of our actions. God reveals his plan through quite specific details. Prophecy tells events of major end time countries. By the Second Coming, all nations fall so Jesus Christ reigns. See Daniel.

Daniel 8: The Ram & Goat
April 2023

Daniel 2 describes Gentile empires of gold, silver, bronze, iron and iron/clay that will rule over Judah. During the reign of Belshazzar, regent of Babylon, Daniel had a vision of a ram with two horns. Then a one horned goat struck the ram, broke its horns and he became very great. After the horn, four kings took his place. See Daniel.

Daniel 9: Daniel's Seventy Weeks - Part 1
May 2023

Daniel understood the end of the seventy years of Jewish captivity. He humbled himself and did some serious praying. When he prayed, the answer was given immediately. Daniel was praying about the end of Babylon captivity and the restoration of Jerusalem but God told Daniel about His complete plan for Jerusalem, Israel and humanity through Jesus the Messiah's redemptions and reign. See Daniel.

Daniel 9: Daniel's Seventy Weeks - Part 2
June 2023

Creation, the Jewish feasts and Israel's history tell of God's timing. But no study of God's time is complete without the seventy weeks of Daniel. While Daniel was praying about the end of Babylon captivity, God told him about His complete plan and time for Jerusalem, Israel and humanity through Jesus the Messiah's redemptions and reign. See Daniel.

Daniel 10-12: Daniel's Final Vision - Part 1: Persia & Greece
July 2023

Daniel lived in Babylon seventy-two years. God made him advisor of the kings of Babylon and Media-Persia to protect the Jews. Cyrus decreed to rebuild the Jewish temple but opposition delays the project. Not everyone returned to Judea. So Daniel did some serious praying for three weeks. In the 3rd year of Cyrus, king of Media-Persia, Daniel is given the final vision about Media-Persia, Greece and the Tribulation. See Daniel.

Daniel 10-12: Daniel's Final Vision - Part 2: North vs South
August 2023

Daniel prays three weeks and is given the final vision of Media-Persia, Greece and the Tribulation. Alexander the Great conquers Media-Persia but he dies eight years later and his kingdom is divided between four generals. Daniel 11 is the greatest chapter of fulfilled prophecy with ~135 fulfilled prophecies in 35 verses. Daniel 11:3-21 covers 256 years with the wars of succession and civil wars between Greek Syria (north) and Greek Egypt (south) for control of Judea. See Daniel.

Daniel 10-12: Daniel's Final Vision - Part 3: Antiochus IV
October 2023

In 539 BC, Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon and rules Media-Persia. Daniel prays three weeks and is given the final vision of Media-Persia and Greece wars. Daniel 11 is the greatest chapter of fulfilled prophecy. After Greek Syria (north) captures Judea from Greek Egypt (south), Daniel 11:21-35 describes the prophecy of tyrant Antiochus IV, a type of the future Antichrist. See Daniel.

Daniel 10-12: Daniel's Final Vision - Part 4: Antichrist
November 2023

In 539 BC, Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon and rules Media-Persia. Daniel prays three weeks and is given the final vision of Media-Persia and Greece wars for control of Judea. Then Daniel jumps forward to the rule of Antichrist during the Tribulation. Antichrist rules the Beast (political system) and the False Prophet rules the second Beast (religious system). See Daniel.

Daniel 10-12: Daniel's Final Vision - Part 5: Tribulation
December 2023

In 539 BC, Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon and rules Media-Persia. Daniel prays three weeks and is given the final vision of Media-Persia and Greece wars for control of Judea. Then Daniel jumps forward to the rule of Antichrist during the Tribulation. The Tribulation is not the end of the world and not the end of time but the end of human rule. All nations fall so Jesus Christ reigns. See Daniel.
Daniel 1: Daniel Purposed in His Heart
Daniel 2: The Statue & the Rock
Daniel 3: Taking a Stand
Daniel 4: The Rise & Fall of Nebuchadnezzar
Daniel 5: The Rise & Fall of Belshazzar
Daniel 6: Daniel & the Lions' Den
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A current understanding of God's plan for our time
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God brought judgment against Judah by sending them to Babylon. Despite being taken captive, Daniel was a man of good character, prayer and faith. God put him in leadership to protect his people. Through Daniel, God revealed important prophecies for Israel, the nations and exact timing of Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Then Daniel introduces prophetic themes expanded in Revelation such as the seven years of Tribulation and the little horn (Antichrist) who rules the lion/bear/leopard (beast).

There is a God in heaven that reveals secrets, and makes known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days (Daniel 2:28).
Daniel: Prophecies of Israel, the Nations, Jesus Christ & Tribulation
The Bible Project: Daniel
Daniel 7: Daniel's Dream - America & EU in the Bible
Daniel 8: The Ram & Goat
Daniel 9: Daniel's Seventy Weeks - Part 1
Daniel 9: Daniel's Seventy Weeks - Part 2
Daniel 10-12: Daniel's Final Vision 1: Persia & Greece
Daniel 10-12: Daniel's Final Vision 2: North vs South
Daniel 10-12: Daniel's Final Vision 3: Antiochus IV
Daniel 10-12: Daniel's Final Vision 4: Antichrist
Daniel 10-12: Daniel's Final Vision 5: Tribulation
Seven Trumpets & Seven Wars
Armageddon: World War V
Russia: Leader of World War IV
Countdown to the Tribulation
China: Red Army of World War III
2023 Israel War: Where Does It Lead?
US Air Force General Predicts Possible China War in 2025
Ukraine: European Union Vs Russia Tug of War