2018 Articles on 21st Century Revelation
When we understand the last one hundred years, God unseals the next twenty.
2017-2018: Learn from the Past and See the Future
January 2018

About this time of year, we remember what happened in the previous year and look forward to the new year. A part of remembering the past year is to learn from our successes and failures. Then we change priorities, make improvements and plan for success in the coming year. See Year 2018.

Rapture, Tribulation & Second Coming
July 2019

21st Century Revelation's premise is that we are living in the End Times right before the Rapture. We see four horses on the run and hear five trumpets sounding during the Church Age. As the spring feasts predict redemption, the fall feasts predict return with key events of the Rapture, Tribulation & Second Coming.

Korea: Spark of World War III?
February 2018

The 2018 Winter Olympics are held in PyeongChang, South Korea. Thousands of athletes participate from ninety nations. The original games were a competition of city-states held in the ancient city of Olympia in Greece. In 1894, the modern Olympic were revived to encourage physical fitness that became the premier global sporting event. The games promote athletic competition, cooperation among nations and world peace. Some Olympics are overshadowed by war. This year, it is about nuclear North Korea.

Russia: Leader of World War IV
March 2018

Although Russia has been in the news, China is the huge red army of World War III. Control of the South China Sea and America's weakness may start World War III but fighting quickly spreads to India, Pakistan and all the way to the Euphrates River in Iraq. After Antichrist's coronation, Russia is the leader of World War IV.

Billy Graham: Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ
March 2018

Evangelist Billy Graham was laid to rest on Friday, March 2, in his hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina. Born the son of a dairy farmer, Mr. Graham dedicated his life to serving God and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with millions worldwide through many platforms, including his Crusades. See Billy Graham.

Spring Feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread & Firstfruits
March-April 2018

We celebrate Passion Week and Easter. Holy days move with the full moon at the beginning of spring because we are still connected to the Jewish calendar. During the exodus out of Egypt, God told the children of Israel to celebrate Passover, Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits. What were feast days for the Hebrew people are fulfilled prophesies of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. See Spring Feasts.

Israel: 70 Years of Prophecy Fulfilled
April-May 2018

Israel is a small country of over eight million people and is about the size of New Jersey. It has a good economy and stable democracy in the Middle East. A close ally with the United States, Israel has a strong military and membership in the nuclear club. Israel has little global influence but God choose Abraham and his decedents to be His people and bless the world.

Jerusalem: Capital of the World
June 2018

On May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation with Jerusalem as its capital. Although the United States recognized Israel as a legitimate nation in 1948, it took 70 years to recognize Jerusalem as its seat of government. On December 6, 2017, the United States was first to acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel's capital. On May 14, 2018, the embassy moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. God chose Abraham, Israel and Jerusalem as parts of His redemptive plan.

Antichrist & World Government
July 2018

Revelation 13 describes a political, religious and economic multinational union. This union comes out of a revived Roman Empire. Over the years many leaders including Charlemagne, Napoleon and Hitler have tried to unite Europe by war and failed. After World War II, countries of the former Holy Roman Empire united in peace which grew into the European Union. In 2018, French President Emmanuel Macron proposed a military alliance of ten nations.

False Prophet & World Religion
August 2018

Revelation 13 describes a political, religious and economic union. This union comes out of a revived Roman Empire. Daniel 7 describes animals which are national symbols of four powerful nations (lion, eagle, bear, leopard). In June 2018, French President Emmanuel Macron proposed a ten-nation military alliance as the lion/bear/leopard merges together. What about the religious alliance.

Fall Feasts & Prophecy
September 2018

God gave to Moses seven days that describe God's plan of redemption. The spring feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits were fulfilled with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Weeks was fulfilled the day God gave the Law to Moses and the Holy Spirit to the Church at Pentecost. The last three are fall feasts fulfilled with the return of Jesus Christ. These days are the seven days of God.

Mark of the Beast & World Economy
October 2018

Daniel 9 describes seventy weeks of years (490 years) that predict when Jesus the Messiah brings redemption. Seven years are left to be fulfilled in the Tribulation. The first 3½ years, a ten nations union rules the world. During the last 3½ years, Satan chooses the Antichrist with the false prophet to rule the world. They control the world through the economy.

Armageddon: World War V
November 2018

The Tribulation lasts seven years and there are three major wars. World War III is the 6th Trumpet between China, the United States and India. World War IV is Gog and Magog when Russian and radical Islam attack Israel. World War V is Armageddon.

Second Coming of Jesus Christ
December 2018

The Tribulation lasts seven years and there are three major wars. World War III is the 6th Trumpet (China, United States). World War IV is Gog and Magog (Russia, radical Islam). World War V is Armageddon. During the last 3½ years, the Unholy Trinity of Satan, Antichrist and False Prophet reign and war moves to Israel and Jerusalem. The Tribulation ends at the  Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
2017-2018: Learn from the Past and See the Future
Rapture, Tribulation & Second Coming
Korea: Spark of World War III?
Russia: Leader of World War IV
Billy Graham: Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Spring Feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread & Firstfruits
Israel: 70 Years of Prophecy Fulfilled
Jerusalem: Capital of the World
Antichrist & World Government
False Prophet & World Religion
Fall Feasts & Prophecy
Mark of the Beast & World Economy
Armageddon: World War V
Second Coming of Jesus Christ
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Russia: Leader of World War IV
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