Where does this conflict go from here? China's next step is to challenge the United States economically, politically and militarily. In the last one thousand years, war always preceded a change of superpower. Watch the regional cold war of Southeast Asia and grow into a hot war between the red horse of China and the black horses of the United States and India. Revelation 9 describes the last war of the Church Age and the first war of the Tribulation. An army of 200 million will cross the Euphrates River located in Turkey, Syria and Iraq. We know it as World War III.

The sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred million: and I heard the number of them (Revelation 9:13-16).

References: 21st Century Revelation: World Wars, Iraq Wars & End Wars Chapter 20 - Players in the Game, Chapter 25 - Iraq War III, Potential Superpowers, South China Sea, String of Pearls

China is the most populated country in the world. It is a member of the United Nations Security Council, G-20 leading economic countries, BRIC emerging economies and the nuclear club. Their economy is third to the European Union and United States but rising. A growing Chinese economy significantly increases its investment in the military. Financial success results in a better standard of living for some citizens but not greater personal liberty. Problems exist with overpopulation and aging because of the one-child policy.
China is a superpower on the move. Their military is building islands and fortifying defenses to strengthen its control of the South China Sea. They set up a "string of pearls" which controls choke points including Panama and Suez canals along with ports in Sudan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and South East Asia. This is a direct economic and military threat to India and the United States. With an emerging economy, they are more dependent on oil from Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran and Iraq.

In 2015, China participated in the P5+1+1 Iran Nuclear Agreement. This summer it was disclosed that China was caught hacking over 20 million US government personnel records. In August, they devalued the yuan to manipulate their currency. This increases sales of exports to America but hurts our imports to China. In September, President Xi Jinping met with US technology companies about opening markets to China and sharing technology. China sees weakness and seeks to overtake us as leader of the world.
Both China and the United States compete for limited natural resources such as oil and iron. America is at a growing disadvantage because our shortsighted politicians, federal deficits, trade deficits and greedy corporations seek cheap labor overseas. China is a much bigger threat to the United States than Islamic terrorism. As America retreats, China, Russia and Islam steps in to fill the void.

Potential Superpowers
Brazil, China, European Union, India, Islam, Russia, United States

21st Century Revelation: World Wars, Iraq Wars & End Wars
A current understanding of God's plan for our time
Copyright © 21st Century Revelation Ministry 2024
China: Superpower on the Move
October 2015
World Wars, Iraq Wars & End Wars
A current understanding of God plan for our time
Seven Trumpets & Seven Wars
Countdown to the Tribulation
Armageddon: World War V
China: Red Army of World War III
Russia: Leader of World War IV